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Story of NBA Karyalayas, Over the Years : Nandini Oza
State power deliberately undermines people’s movements that get their strength from the collective- collective conviction, collective determination, collective voices, and collective resistance. Mass resistance and people’s struggles do not need […]
Narmada Samachar | संघर्ष और निर्माण के तीन दशक | August 05, 2017
50 years ago, when the Sardar Sarovar Dam was conceived by the government of India on the river Narmada, there was little or no knowledge about the widespread ecological […]
Narmada Samachar | संघर्ष और निर्माण के तीन दशक | August 01, 2017
50 years ago, when the Sardar Sarovar Dam was conceived by the government of India on the river Narmada, there was little or no knowledge about the widespread […]
Narmada Samachar | नर्मदा समाचार – संघर्ष और निर्माण के तीन दशक | July 30, 2017
50 years ago, when the Sardar Sarovar Dam was conceived by the government of India on the river Narmada, there was little or no knowledge about the widespread ecological […]