Archive for August, 2017
International Solidarity | 21 Green Nobel Prize Winner and others extend solidarity to the struggle of Narmada Bachao Andolan and write letter to Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India.
21 Green Nobel Prize Winner extend solidarity to the struggle of Narmada Bachao Andolan and write letter to Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India. More than 50 International organisations […]
Rome, Italy. Appeal ZERO EVICTIONS: Union tenants, CUB AND SGB AGAINST THE EVACUATION OF 40 thousand families in the Narmada Valley
Rome, Italy. Appeal ZERO EVICTIONS: Union tenants, CUB AND SGB AGAINST THE EVACUATION OF 40 thousand families in the Narmada Valley PRESS RELEASE {Translated into English} August 7, 2017 […]
Narmada Samachar | संघर्ष और निर्माण के तीन दशक | August 05, 2017
50 years ago, when the Sardar Sarovar Dam was conceived by the government of India on the river Narmada, there was little or no knowledge about the widespread ecological […]
/ News
Defamation case: Court slaps Rs 10K fine on Medha Patkar, warns her
The Economic Times, Aug 3 2017, New Delhi: A Delhi court today imposed Rs 10,000 as costs on NBA activist Medha Patkar for her repeated failure to appear before it in […]