Post Tagged with: "Submergence"
Narmada Samachar | संघर्ष और निर्माण के तीन दशक | August 09, 2017
50 years ago, when the Sardar Sarovar Dam was conceived by the government of India on the river Narmada, there was little or no knowledge about the widespread ecological crisis […]
Day Three of the Indefinite Fast in Narmada Valley, Jal Satyagraha Starts
Jal Satyargaha in Narmada by villagers. Shivraj Chauhan Challenged to Come to Narmada Valley Current Water Levels of Sardar Sarovar Effective in Meeting Irrigation and Power Needs, Why Submerge More […]
Narmada Bachao Andolan completes 31 years of struggle and reconstruction, today
Narmada Bachao Andolan completes 31 years of struggle and reconstruction, today Supporters from Mumbai express solidarity with the movement which continues to fight for justice reaching to ALL – especially […]
राजघाट बडवानी पानी का लेवल अभी 126 मी पहुॅच गया। नर्मदा जल जंगल जमीन हक सत्याग्रह के 10 वे दिन भी जारी
प्रेस नोट दिनांक 14/05/2016 डूब ही साबित कर रही है शासन । डूब में आगे खायरा भादल के आदिवासीयों को अभी तक नही मिला न्याय। खतरा बढते के साथ […]