Post Tagged with: "resettlement and rehabilitation"
Narmada Samachar | संघर्ष और निर्माण के तीन दशक | August 09, 2017
50 years ago, when the Sardar Sarovar Dam was conceived by the government of India on the river Narmada, there was little or no knowledge about the widespread ecological crisis […]
अनिश्चितकालीन उपवास के तीसरे दिन नर्मदा घाटी के सैकड़ों लोगों ने किया जल सत्याग्रह
अनिश्चितकालीन उपवास के तीसरे दिन नर्मदा घाटी के सैकड़ों लोगों ने जल सत्याग्रह कर देशवासियों से बिना सम्पूर्ण पुनर्वास किये सरकार द्वारा की जा रही गैर कानूनी डूब के खिलाफ […]
/ Video
Narmada Bachao Andolan- An overview of the 32 year long struggle
Where this documentary ends, a new phase of Narmada struggle commences. When the dam height was raised from 122 meters to 139 meters between June 2014 and December 2016, that […]
SSP affected in Gujarat continue relay fast with dead body of Dhulji Bhai
The Adivasis from Gujarat, affected by Sardar Sarovar Project have been on Relay Fast since July 15th, 2016. Since yesterday night, they are at the agitation site (opposite Rehabilitation Development […]