Narmada has been blocked by so many dams that its waters no longer reach the sea, the sea has started to move inwards.

4 May 2017, BHOPAL (Madhya Pradesh)

More than two thousand representatives from the Narmada valley have arrived in Bhopal today in complete defiance to –

·         Without Supreme Court orders, Narmada Control Authority cannot take the illegal decision to close the gates of Sardar Sarovar Dam during their 9 May meeting.

·         This is not only in contempt of law and constitution, but of the rights of adivasis, farmers and labour.

·         Narmada Seva is only a gimmick of the State government with the Narmada valley.

·         After Supreme Court orders, administration-middlemen nexus is engaged in loot.

This is a time when even politicians of Madhya Pradesh are demanding to accord the status of a ‘living entity’ to Narmada just like Ganga and Yamuna, how are State and central governments planning to forcibly crush lakhs of Narmada’s children like insects? It is ironical that Chief Minister of M.P. is spending crores of public money and travelling through the valley with a caravan of political personalities, administrative officials, while the real affected people of the valley have to come to Bhopal to demand justice.

During the highly media-hyped Narmada Seva Yatra, any attempt to hold ‘general meetings’ by common public to discuss the real problems of the region were cut short by detaining top activists of the NBA. The Chief Minister to barely spoke for 5-10 minutes in the helipad of Kukshi Tehsil and gave false assurances of detailed meeting is now not even available in Bhopal to listen to the woes of the people. The Chief Minister has not entered into a dialogue for last 15 years.

If the state and administration thinks that they can illegally take the decision to close the gates of the Sardar Sarovar Dam to a full height of 139 meters and submerge the valley on their 9 May meeting of the Narmada Control Authority, the people of the valley have arrived in Bhopal to challenge and warn them.

In the latest Supreme Court judgement no relief has been granted to landless people and farmers who have already taken only Rs. 5.5 lakh compensation in the past.

Even when, 60% of the population of 1 town and 192 villages of the Narmada submergence area consists of landless people. Assurances for their alternate livelihood were given to Supreme Court in 1993 by M.P. government and NCA. So far, a meagre Rs. 33,000 or 49,000 has been given to them and this process is also full of corruption. Fisherfolk have inalienable rights to the waters of a river, so do potters over the soil in the banks, lakhs of labourers are dependent on these natural resources for their daily living and occupation.

The most serious issue is that forcefully drowning thousands of homes, temples, mosques, dharmshalas and trees by 31 July cannot be justice.

To implement these orders without fulfilling the prior terms and conditions that were to be followed cannot be acceptable.

The people of Sardar Sarovar Dam region and the Narmada valley are against this inhuman, distorted idea of development and demand their right to life and livelihood. The rights of the landless must be recognized. The nexus of corruption will be defeated.


Bhagirath Dhangar           RanveerTomar                  Vijay Dhangar    Kamla Yadav      Mohan Patidar

Kailash Yadav                    Rahul Yadav                       Lokesh Patidar                  MedhaPatkar

Contact: 9423965153/ 9179617513

In Solidarity:

प्रफुल्ल सामंतरा (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय गोल्डमैन पुरस्कार के इस साल के मानकरी समाजवादी पर्यावरणवादी, एनएपीएम), अनिल सद्गोपाल (शिक्षाविद), सौम्य दत्ता (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय उर्जा विशेषज्ञ), राजेन्द्र रवि (शहर विकास विशेषतः परिवहन विशेषज्ञ व साहित्यकार, एनएपीएम), नीता महादेव (वरिष्ठ सामजिक कार्यकर्ता, लोकसमिति, गुजरात), चिन्मय मिश्र (वरिष्ठ पत्रकार व शोधकर्ता), सुभाष पांडे (पर्यावरणवादी), अमिताभ मित्रा (वरिष्ठ सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता व श्रमिक संगठक, एनएपीएम, पश्चिम बंगाल), अब्दुल जब्बार भाई (भोपाल गैस पीड़ित संगठन), संजीव कुमार (दिल्ली समर्थक समूह), अनिश (एकता परिषद), जसविंदर सिंह (महासचिव, मध्य प्रदेश किसान सभा), उमेश तिवारी (रोको टोको ठोको क्रान्तिकारी संघर्ष मोर्चा व एनएपीएम), एलएच हरदेनिया (वरिष्ठ वामपंथी चिन्तक), आराधना भार्गव (किसान संघर्ष समिति व समाजवादी समागम), राकेश दीवान, अमूल्य निधि (जन स्वास्थ्य अभियान), राजकुमार सिन्हा (बरगी बाँध विस्थापित संघ व एनएपीएम), विनोद शर्मा (स्वराज अभियान), योगेश दीवान (जनपहल), डॉ. ए. के. खान (सामजिक कार्यकर्ता, कटनी) रौली शिवाहरे, गायत्री (जेएनयू), प्रियंका (मुस्कान), धारा (जन स्वास्थ्य अभियान), ममता (जन जागरण शक्ति संगठन, बिहार), दीपक पौराणिक, प्रमोद प्रधान (सीटू), खुशबु (अंश), मोहसिन भाई, उमा, हिमशी (एनएपीएम) व अन्य

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