21 Green Nobel Prize Winner extend solidarity to the struggle of Narmada Bachao Andolan and write letter to Mr. Narendra Modi, Prime Minister of India.

More than 50 International organisations extend solidarity, ask PM to intervene and stop drowning or forced evictions of more than 40000 families in Narmada Valley.

New Delhi | August 07, 2017: People and organisations from 30 countries have now extended support to ongoing struggle for justice in the Narmada valley. Since July 27th, 12 project affected people including a Medha Patkar are sitting on an indefinite fast demanding complete and just rehabilitation of more than 40000 families facing threat of submergence due to increased height of Sardar Sarovar Dam to 138.68 meters.

21 Goldman environmental prize winner also known as Green Nobel Prize in a collective letter urged Prime Minister Modi to intervene immediately and ensure the fundamental rights of life and livelihood of the people in a democratic country.

Earlier Noam Chomsky, a renowned social critic and philosopher, had extended his support and signed the online petition asking PM of India to rehabilitate the people of Narmada Valley first. The Petition has been signed by people of more than 30 countries from all over the world which also includes many social, environmental, human rights, farmers organisation and others. Some of the key groups include Asian Peasant Coalition, Association for India’s Development, Earth International, World Rainforest Movement, The Asian Human Rights Commission, Rivers Without Boundaries International Coalition, Landless Workers Movement – Brazil, International Working Group for Indigenous Affairs – Copenhagen, Denmark and many others.

The letter mentions that the government has closed down the gates of Sardar Sarovar Dam on  16 June 2017 without completing the rehabilitation of more than 40000 families in Narmada Valley. The rehabilitation sites are in poor state and lack the basic amenities that needs to be provided as per the Narmada water disputes Tribunal award.

Madhya Pradesh government is acting against the People’s interest by taking selective interpretation of Supreme Court judgement came out on 8 February 2017 and continuously trying to forcefully evict people without ensuring the rehabilitation of more than 40000 families. In absence of basic facilities and house plots at rehabilitation sites, MP government has built tin shades for temporary resettlement. Government is trying to shift families residing in Narmada Valley to tin shades which is inappropriate and unable to accommodate a whole family, livestocks and tools being used by people. No judgment have ever talked about providing temporary settlement.

The MP Government, Gujarat government, and Government of India does not seem serious at all to ensure the rights of people and rehabilitation of thousands of families residing in the Narmada Valley. Till now, The Government has not initiated any communication with the people sitting on fast for the issues of incomplete rehabilitation although the chief minister of Madhya Pradesh Shivraj Singh Chauhan showed his concerns about the health of the people sitting on fast on Twitter along with Uma Bharti, the cabinet minister of Ministry of Water Resources.



Letter to Prime Minister of India for Justice in Narmada Valley


August 04, 2017



Mr. Narendra Modi

Prime Minister of India

7, Race Course Road

New Delhi, India


Dear Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi,

We are representatives of civil society organisations from many countries writing to you to draw your urgent attention on the struggle for justice by the communities affected by the Sardar Sarovar (Narmada) Dam.

You are well aware about the criticality of the situation, with dam gates closed last month and 40,000 families, who are yet to be rehabilitated, are facing an imminent submergence later this month, or early September. While the state governments have failed to comply with the orders of the Supreme Court, relying on false information, the authorities have sanctioned closure of the dam gates. From newspapers and reports from the ground we learn that the state police have been called in to the villages to enforce evictions, even if it required force to be used.

Sir, you are well aware that forced evictions without adequate rehabilitation is contrary to many of the agreements the Republic of India has signed, including Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Apart from the statues and guidelines from UN bodies, such a scenario would likely violate international best practices, safeguarding the rights of individuals, particularly women, children and the marginalised.

We have been following the three decade old, non-violent, Gandhian Narmada Bachao Andolan (NBA – Save Narmada Movement) the past many years. Taking on the World Bank, which funded the dam in 1985, it helped the Bank review and strengthens its social and environmental safeguard policies and accountability mechanisms. As we write to you, we learn that 12 people, including its senior activist Medha Patkar are on an indefinite fast since July 27. It is disturbing to hear that no senior government official has reached out to them yet for talks.

We support the demands of NBA that submergence should not be allowed until every family is adequately rehabilitated with all basic amenities. While the exact number of people to be rehabilitated is yet to be ascertained, an independent body identifying them would be the first step towards rehabilitation for all. It is appalling to note that while thousands of complaints of the ones moved to the rehabilitation sites – on absence of amenities, bad quality of land and failure to recognise people as oustees, the state governments have got away ‘rehabilitating’ 40,000 families on paper.

Sir, as the Prime Minister of world’s largest democracy, we hope that you will rise to the occasion, with act with all urgency it calls for; to stop the human rights abuses happening the villages of Narmada.


Signed by:


  1. Albena Simeonova, Europe, Goldman Prize Winner , 1996
  2. Anna giordano, Italy, Goldman Prize Winner
  3. Cath Wallace, New Zealand, Goldman Prize Winner, 1991
  4. Desmond D’Sa, Africa, Goldman Prize Winner, 2014
  5. Edward Loure Ole Parmelo, Tanzania, Goldman Prize Winner
  6. Heffa Schuecking, urgewald, Germany, Goldman Prize winner 1994
  7. Ignace Schops, Beligium, Goldman Prize Winner
  8. Ikal Ang’elei, Friends of Lake Turkana, Goldman Prize Winner
  9. Jadwiga Lopata, Poland, Goldman Prize Winner
  10. John Sinclair AO, Australia, Goldman Prize Winner, 1993
  11. Juan Pablo Orrego S., Chile, Goldman Prize Winner, 1997
  12. Luis Jorge Rivera-Herrera, Puerto Rico, Goldman Prize Winner, 2016
  13. Michal, Slovakia, Goldman Prize Winner, 1990
  14. Leng Ouch, Cambodia, Goldman Prize Winner
  15. Nat Quansah, Goldman Prize Winner
  16. Prafulla Samantara, Goldman Environmental Prize 2017
  17. Randall Arauz, Central and South America, Goldman Prize Winner, 2010
  18. TarcísioFeitosa, Brazil, Goldman Prize Winner, 2016
  19. Ursula Sladek, Germany, Goldman Prize Winner 2011
  20. Yuyun Ismawati, Indonesia, Goldman Environmental Prize 2009
  21. Zuzana, Slovakia, Goldman Prize Winner
  22. Akshay Kayumov, Ecological Cenet Dront, Russia
  23. Alan Pdber, VT, USA
  24. Alexey Zimenco, Biodiversity Conservation Centre, Moscow
  25. Alyansa Tigil Mina, Alliance Against Mining, Phillippines
  26. Anitra Nelson, Honorary Associate Prof. At RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
  27. Anuradha Mittal, The Oakland Institute, USA
  28. Aravinda, Association for India’s Development
  29. Arun Aaron, SIAAP
  30. Ayesha DSouza, International Rivers, USA
  31. Badri Subedi, Indreni Social Development Forum- Nawalparasi, Nepal
  32. Bishnu Awasthi, Forum for Local Development, Kanchanpur, Nepal
  33. Bruce Rich, Washington DC, USA
  34. Bruno Van Peteghem, Paris, France
  35. R.H. Clanahan, South Africa
  36. Camille Chalmers, PAPDA, Haiti
  37. Catherine Blake, Council of Canadians, Mississippi Mills Chapter, Almonte, Canada
  38. Cathwallace, New Zealand
  39. Claudia Campero, Mexico
  40. David Barkin, Prof at Distinguido Universidad Autinoma Metropolitana – Xochimilco, DF, Mexico
  41. Defne Gonenc, Switzerland
  42. Deo Narayan Yadav, Kosi Victim Society, Saptari, Nepal
  43. Doug Hellinger, The Development GAP
  44. David Szanton, University of California, Berkeley, USA
  45. Dudhnath Gupta, Gandak River Control Struggle Committee, Nepal
  46. Edward Loure Ole Parmelo, Tanzania
  47. Elaine Zuckerman, Gender Action, USA
  48. Ercan Ayboga, Turkey
  49. Gabrielle Engh, Langenberger
  50. J K Canepa, New York Climate Action Group
  51. Jai Sen, World Social Forum, USA
  52. Jelson Garcia, Indonesia
  53. Jill McManus, NYC Grassroots Alliance, USA
  54. Jitendra Yadav, Kosi Victim’s Society, Rajbiraj Saptari, Nepal
  55. Joan Martinez Alier, Prof ICTA – Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona
  56. Johan Frijns, Bank Track
  57. Jyotish Kumar Yadav, Kosi Victim’s Society, Rajbiraj Saptari, Nepal
  58. K Sudhir, People’s Architecture Commonwealth
  59. Kenji Ago, Japan
  60. Krishna Yadav, Kosi Victim’s Society, Rajbiraj Saptari, Nepal
  61. Larry Lohmann, The Corner House, UK
  62. MabroukaM’ Barek, former elected member of Tunisian Constituent Assembly
  63. Maercia Andrews, Rural Women’s Assembly, Southern Africa
  64. Malav Kanuga, Common Nations Press, Brooklyn, NY, USA
  65. Mike Levien, USA
  66. Nadia Johanisova, Economy and Society Trust, Brno, Czech Republic
  67. Nathaniel Don Marquez, Asian NGO Coalition
  68. Nicholas Hildyard, The Corner House, UK
  69. Nick Meynen, Global Policies and Sustainability
  70. Patty Heffley, Former Board of Directors, Pacificia Foundation
  71. Prawin Kumar Yadav, Kosi Victim’s Society, Rajbiraj Saptari, Nepal
  72. Martin Mantxo, Basque Country
  73. Professor Michel Pimbert, Uinited Kingdom
  74. Rabin Ghimire, Saptkoshi High Dam Struggle Committee, Sunsari, Nepal
  75. Ratan Bhandari, West Seti Dam Affected Community, Bajhang, Nepal
  76. Rigine Richter, UrgewaldBuro, Berlin, Germany
  77. Rishi Raj Lumsali – Mahakali River and Border Concern Group, West Nepal
  78. Saline, Germany
  79. Sam Pillai, Toronto, Canada
  80. Samir Mehta, International Rivers South Asia
  81. Sarath Agustio Rini, Indonesia
  82. Sarath Sexton, The Corner House, UK
  83. Sarawan Chaudhary, Kosi Victim’s Society, Rajbiraj Saptari, Nepal
  84. Sayandeb Chowdhury, Kosi Victim’s Society, Rajbiraj Saptari, Nepal
  85. Shalmani Guttal, Focus on Global South, Bankok
  86. Siti Maimunah, Mining Advocacy Network, Indonesia
  87. Sukhdev Chaudhary, Kosi Victim’s Society, Rajbiraj Saptari, Nepal
  88. Tabang, Indonesia
  89. Tarcisio Feitosa, Brazil
  90. Tchenna, Movement of People affected by Dam, Brazil
  91. Thulsy Narayanasamy, UK
  92. Tim Kejra Perempuan, Indonesia
  93. Toshiyuki Doi, Japan
  94. Wenonah Hauter, USA


  1. Adivasi Koordination, Germany
  2. Amnesty International
  3. Ana Emilia Poienaru
  4. Association for India’s Development
  5. ATTAC Morocco, Member of the SADTM Network
  6. ATTAC, Argentina
  7. Bank Information Center, USA
  8. Chile Sustainable Foundation, Chile
  9. Coalition Against the Rockaway Pipeline
  10. Community Empowerment and Social Justice Foundation,
  11. Democracy Center
  12. Earth International
  13. Ecologistas en Accion (Espana)
  14. Ekologistak Martxan, Basque Country
  15. Environmental Justice Team
  16. Focus on the Global South
  17. Food and Water Watch, USA
  18. Friends of the Earth International
  19. Gender Action Global Advocacy Organisation, USA
  20. Groupe International de Travail pour les peoples Autochtones
  21. Human Rights Watch
  22. Instituto Pacs – Instituto Politicas Alternativas Parao Cone Sul, Brazil
  23. International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs, Copenhagen, Denmark
  24. JA Justica Ambiental, Foe, Mozambique
  25. La Asamblea Veracruzana da Iniciativas Ambiental (Lavida), Mexico
  27. Mesopotamia Ecology Movement
  28. NGO Forum on ADB
  29. Non Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme, Asia
  30. Non Timber Forest Products Exchange Programme, India
  31. Observatorio de Multinacionales en America Latin – Paz con Dignidad, Spain
  32. OT Watch and Rivers Without Boundaries, Mongolia
  33. Rainforest Relief, New York, USA
  34. Rivers Without Boundaries International Coalition
  35. Sierra Club, USA
  36. Society for Threatened Peoples, Germany
  37. The Asian Human Rights Commission
  38. The Elisabeth Haub Law School Student Chapter of National Lawyers Guild
  39. The Karen Environmental and Social Action Network, Myanmar
  40. The Palestinian Land Defense Coalition
  41. Transnational Institute
  42. WoMin, South Africa
  43. War on Want, UK
  44. Waterkeeper Alliance, Bangladesh
  45. World Rainforest Movement