IMPORTANT UPDATE / Medha Patkar arrested again on her way to Badwani
TAKE ACTION : Call or send a message to Dhar Collector : 7694868888 Dhar SP : 9425072424 demanding them to release Medha Patkar and 9 others who have been arrested by them on false charges.
Madhya Pradesh Government has no shame and completely lost any sense of propriety. Early today, Medha Patkar was discharged from Bombay Hospital by the Indore Police, after Habeas Corpus application was filed in the Court there. Earlier CM and administration had claimed she was on hospitalized given her failing health, but then the fact was that she was denied access and was under complete arrest. Only after much pressurizing that one of our colleague was given limited access to her.
Today after discharge from hospital in the afternoon, Medha ji started at 4 PM from Indore after meeting her supporters and resting a bit. All this while she continues to fast and today is the 14th day of her fast. All 9 other activists fasting continue under arrest at Dhar District Hospital, where limited access has been given to them.
As their vehicle was moving towards Barwani, Medha ji’s vehicle was intercepted by nearly 35 police vehicles and been now taken over by them. The vehicle’s driver was forced out and now TI is driving them all towards Dhar to be produced infront of the SDM. They are now pressing charges for the violence they unleashed on 7th evening on the protesters where they injured 42 people. Police refused to file any FIR from the Andolan side but in their FIR have named 35 people and another 2500 unknown persons.
This is complete travesty of justice and nothing else but every attempt at intimidating and terrorising the Andolan.
Call or send a message to Dhar Collector : 7694868888 / 07292 – 234702 [email protected]
Dhar SP : 9425072424 / 07292-235228 [email protected]
Condemn and Demand them to release Medha Patkar and 9 others who have been arrested by them on false charges
Medha Ji, just after her release
National Alliance of People’s Movements
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