When millions are evicted in the name of nation’s development

Can we be proud of such independence?


When the forests, the life and culture,

Nurtured for centuries are destroyed forcibly

Can we be proud of such independence?


The nature suffering silently, reminds

Wake up the consumerist, or else we perish.

Can we be proud of such independence?


The dreams of ‘foreign’ land, remain chained in foreign hands

Without shame, they mortgage the country,

To bring suffering to all.

Can we be proud of such independence?


The loot prospers only few,

While millions struggle to survive,

Such distribution is injustice and inequitable.

Can we be proud of such independence?


They, who believe, destruction is development,

Are in a trap.

Unfortunately, those who speak the truth face the police and jail.

Can we be proud of such independence?


Don’t embrace the song, let the chains clash,

The free people, let us fight for true independence.

Let people ask,

Why they be evicted, always, in the name of nation’s development?


When millions are evicted in the name of nation’s development

Can we be proud of such independence?

Medha Patkar