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Balmela, 3 days Annual event of Jeevanshalas started in Javadevadi

More than 700 Adivasi Children Celebrating Silver Jubilee Year of Jeevanshalas

16 February, Javadevadi, Maharashtra:: Balmela, an annual event of Narmada Jeevanshala has come into play today, having been inaugurated in the presence of a number of senior activist including Himanshu Kumar from Chhattisgarh and various artists including Meena Naik, a dramatist & puppet show performer.

More than 700 adivasi children from 9 Jeevanshalas in Maharashtra & Madhya Pradesh who come from the mountain ranges of Satpuda & Vindhya are participating in this year’s 20th Balmela which is silver jubilee year of Jeevanshalas. The zest and commitment to the cause of education with sports as well as social empowerment of the next generation was exceptionally high during Balmela. All adivasi teachers, parents and representatives of the Jeevanshala monitoring committee have taken efforts to train and help children participate in the activities including sports, athletics, elocution, essay, archery as well as drama, dance and group songs.

Jeevanshala children who have passed out from Jeevanshalas & have graduated or post graduated or returned to agriculture with their parents played a major role by volunteering & umpireship in organising the Mela. They have learnt from experts in each of these activities, which will continue till February 18th, the day of closing.

The inauguration was not just colourful but also thoughtfully planned. The guests with representatives from the valley lit the 25 candles to celebrate the Silver Jubilee – 25 years of work of Jeevanshalas… while the opening tournament of kho-kho brought out the innovative way to exhibit the talents.

Almost 25 students of Jeevanshalas have already received athletic training and free education through Krida Prabodhini, while till this year, Jeevanshala children have won a number of bronze & gold medals and topped in the inter-state & intra-state kabaddi, kho-kho & other competitions.

It was with the support of Jansahyogi’s from across the country that this educational enterprise could be seen by Narmada Navnirman Abhiyan, without any support from the state or central government since they are on the false claim of Sarva Shiksha refusing to recognise such schools and efforts by non-state, non-corporate agencies.

During Balmela inauguration Himanshu Kumar, a human rights activist from Chhattisgarh expressed his satisfaction over the alternative provided by Narmada Bachao Andolan through Jeevanshalas as the Garten’s model of developments is neither value based nor does it bring in equity & strength to fight justice.

Meena Naik & artists including Hanif bhai, prize winning photographer, Vikalp Kumar, a painter; Aswathy and team, the documentary makers; Jayashree Solkar, Dance director & others appreciated the talents and promised support. They played various roles in the Balmela including of judges.

Sanjay M. G., Suniti S. R. of National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM), Himshi Singh and other academicians & activists like Anil Kunwar, Prof. Sarode, Prof Shinde, former Minister of sports, Padmakar Valvi with other elected representatives encouraged students, teachers & all through their participation.

Closing ceremony will be held on Feb 18th, 2018 at the same venue which is Javadevadi R&R site in Maharashtra.

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