150 supporters from 15 states across India begin 3 day
Narmada Adhikar Samvaad Yatra
Team interacts with hundreds of Sardar Sarovar affected from
Khalghat, Chhota Barda and Pipri
Flawed Back Water Levels, Corruption and lack of
Rehabilitation exposed
New Declaration for Future of Struggle to be made at Massive
Public rally and meeting tomorrow
23rd August, 2014, Badwani:
More than 150 supporters of the people’s struggle in the Narmada
Valley began an intensive 3 day long fact finding tour of the various Sardar Sarovar Project affected
villages in the states of Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Gujarat. The team included a
hydrologist, environmentalists, farmer’s leaders, trade unionists, lawyers, academics, researchers,
architects, social work students, representatives of various social movements and organisations as
also some supporters from the Aam Aadmi Party. The visit has been organised in the context of the
recent illegal decision by the Modi Government to increase the height of the Sardar Sarovar dam by
17 meters and plan to submerge the farms, homes and hearths of more than 2.5 lakh people living in
245 thickly populated affected villages.
In their visit to village Khalghat ( tehsil Dharampuri), the supporters observed the manner in
which Khalghat, along with 55 villages has been thrown out of submergence while hundreds of
families in this area, including poor workers and fisher people have faced submergence in the
monsoon of 2012 and 2013. A large gathering of more than 500 people saw vibrant expression of
support responding to the reality exposed by the oustees. The support also came in from the former
MLA Panchilal Meda who admitted that not just in Khalghat but in numerous villages in the
Dharmpuri area, thousands of families are yet to be rehabilitated. The women in particular, who
were present in large numbers expressed a resolution to intensify their struggle in the days to come.
Similar was the situation in villages Chhota Barda and Pipri where as well, rallies were organised
and hundreds expressed their support to the legitimate demands of the andolan.
The activists from Polavaram Dam struggle, Mahaan Sangharsh Samiti, Kudankulam anti-
nuclear struggle, movements associated with National Alliance of People’s Movements, as also
environmentalists from Gujarat participated in the meetings at various places. The team also halted
at the tribal village Mandil which is has been severely affected by the excavation by the Indira
Sagar canals.
Tomorrow, that is on 24th August a massive rally followed by a large public meeting at Badwani is
being organised in which large numbers of people from many submergence affected villages would
participate and make a new declaration for the future course of the struggle.
On the third day the
supporters would visit hilly adivasi village at Manibeli after a road and boat journey.
Kamla Yadav
Mohan Bhai
Devram Kanera Kailash Awasya Bhagirath
Pavan Yadav
Rahul Yadav
Medha Patkar
Bilal Khan:- 09958660556