The government of Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and the Center jointly conspired to take criminal action by closing 30 gates of Sardar Sarovar. 
They’ve closed all the gates of SS except two because of a technical problem. This will lead to submergence and related forcible eviction, in effect washing off somewhere around 18390 families as per MP gazette notification as per 27th may from 141 villages. The number at the highest flood level is much higher as per field surveys.
The CM of Gujarat and PM have already announced a large celebration at the dam site at the end of July and Narmada Yatra across Gujarat to follow. CM of MP hasn’t uttered a word, rather has given silent consent to take a toll on lakhs of people (more than 2.5 lakh) in the submergence area.
People have stayed put and challenged this criminality.
You too can challenge it here and now.
-Medha Patkar

National Alliance of People’s Movements
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