Narmada Nav Nirman Abhiyan is a Trust, registered in Mumbai (India). The Trust is concentrating its activities on providing primary school level education to those adivasi children who hail from villages in the Satapura and Vidhya Ranges, many of which are severely affected by the submergence caused by 137 m. high Sardar Sarovar Dam. The submergence area of the Sardar Sarovar Dam includes 19 villages in Gujarat, 33 villages in Maharashtra, and 193 villages in Madhya Pradesh, where adivasi communities such as the Bhils, Bhilalas, Pawaras and the Tadvis reside. Access to numerous remote villages even today is extremely difficult because of the hilly terrain. Facilities provided by the government in such areas are minimal and irregular – those too attained after much struggle.
Since submergence without the promised rehabilitation started in 1993, the Adivasi families have shifted higher up to the hills. As the dam height increases, so does the submergence level, and the hills become little islands that turn to slush in the monsoons. These peaceful and self-reliant Adivasis now live in constant danger – not only due to submergence in case of heavy rains and and floods caused by release of water from upstream dams, but also due to attacks by agitated snakes and crocodiles whose homes and resting places have likewise been submerged. A lack of access to medical facilities adds to these very trying circumstances. A large number of these villages suffer from severe lack of services, as the government records them as submerged and non-existent. Not one state government has completed rehabilitation and this deprived population is suffering untold miseries hidden from the eyes of people living in cities and from government authorities responsible for their welfare.
The NNNA undertakes diverse activities in the areas of-
- Health: Monitoring Primary Health Centres under National Rural Health Mission, with community participation.
- Education: Running 9 Jeevanshalas and other non-formal education including training the youth and Adivasis in legal rights.
- MNREGA: (GOVT. RUN EMPLOYMENT SCHEME) Awareness building, organizing Adivasis, conducting social audits, challenging corruption are some major activities.
- Forest Rights: Mobilisation and training of Adivasi communities in Forest Rights and following up with government authorities.
- Fishing Rights: Organising fishing co-operatives and training farmers to become fishers as their lands are under water. Recently, rights to 3 Fishing Co-operatives in the Maharashtra submergence zone have been granted. We are planning to take up fisheries on a large scale.
- Relief work during emergencies: floods, earthquakes, tsunami, fires etc.
- Support to non-violent struggles for livelihood and justice, housing for the poor Dalit, Adivasis, etc.
- Running a hostel (of about 40 students) to provide safety and to facilitate education beyond primary school.
- Right to food: Ensuring rations (Public Distribution System) for all even for those in the most unreachable areas.
- Land nights: Controlling corruption even through legal battles if required.