Hundreds of Satyagrahis challenged NVDA (Narmada Valley Development Authority)

Rehabilitation officer admitted 700 project affected families yet to be rehabilitated

Badwani | August 08, 2016: Today a few hundred of Narmada Satyagrahis knocked at the doors of Narmada Valley Development Authority (NVDA) in Badwani. Shouting slogans ‘no rehabilitation, no dam’ women and men belonging to different villages including Amlali, Pipri, Kasrawad, Pichhodi, Semalda, Ekalbara and others questioned the Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation Officer Mr. Guha on various issues. Confrontation exposed the MP Govt. that has been claiming ‘Zero Balance’ in Rehabilitation since Mr. Guha has accepted that at least 700 and more PAFs who are yet to get land and/or compensation have their application pending before the GRA for balance work!

On Disaster Management Plan, Mr. Guha couldn’t show anything nor could he make any comment. It may be noted that there has to be District, State and Central Disaster Management Authority, that is to plan and implement measures for mitigation and compensation as well as protection of thousands of families who are to face submergence. No plan seems to be available with the State while there is also an order of the Chief Justice of the Hon’ble MP High Court directing the State to prepare Disaster Management Plan for the whole of Narmada Valley. Will all 244 villages and 1 township face it to an extent, dependent on flood, without any effort from the Government and no responsibility claimed? People returned to the Satyagraha site in Rajghat, Badwani determined to carry on the struggle and take the challenge.


Kamla Yadav, Mansaram Jaat, Ranbir Singh Tomar, Rahul Yadav (9179617513)

National Alliance of People’s Movements
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